A very warm welcome to the St John’s, Silkwood community! St John’s prides itself on the culture and traditions built over the years at the school. The school’s proud history began in 1948 when the school was by founded by Parish Priest Fr Alfred Natali and the Missionary Franciscan Sisters. We are a very welcoming community that believes that working together to achieve a common goal brings success for all. Our staff, students and parents remain focused on our sense of being a ‘learning community’ and are proud of their great achievements over the years.
We are a Catholic school that provides a Catholic education for each and every one of our students. We expect that all families embrace our Catholic identity and understand the Catholic ethos. A good quality Catholic education is centred on the teachings of Jesus Christ and spreading the good news. It focuses on the development of the whole human person: spiritually, academically, socially, physically, academically and emotionally preparing them for the challenges of the 21st century, allowing each child to reach their full potential.
‘Plant the seed, nurture the growth, celebrate the harvest’ is our school vision. Our teaching principles are based on sowing Christian values, nurturing relationships, cultivating excellence, rising to challenges and harvesting opportunities to grow an optimistic community. The current St John’s community is respectful of the past and excited about the future, as it plays its part in inspiring St John’s students to live the school motto of ‘Always Reaching for New Heights’. This motto reflects our philosophy that we are all on a learning journey to do our best and strive for greatness in learning and caring for one another in the school community.
We recognise families as the first and most important educators of their children. We see our role as supporting your relationship with your child and enhancing a home/school partnership based on mutual trust, respect and a shared responsibility. We encourage all parents to actively participate in their children’s school life by becoming involved in school community events throughout the year. Research clearly shows that when families and schools works together as a community in a collaborative and positive manner, a child’s capacity to achieve their learning potential is significantly enhanced. Maintaining positive relationships and working together as a team to ensure our students are learning in a happy and safe environment is vital.
We are very proud of our staff, students and families that create our community. Our dedicated and professional staff continually strive to develop their knowledge and skills in providing a curriculum that nurtures a safe, inclusive and authentic learning environment that caters for the individual needs of each of our students. We celebrate achievements and progress in all learning areas across the curriculum throughout the year.
At St John’s we place a very strong focus on the social emotional learning well-being of all of our students. Our programs are delivered to build emotional resilience, a positive mindset for achievement, getting along and social responsibility that will assist students to become productive and contributing members of our society.
So please, explore our website to discover how St John’s can offer your child a quality Catholic education. I look forward to welcoming you to the St John’s School community and journeying together to provide the best Catholic education for your child. A small school with a BIG heart!
With God’s Blessings,
Linda Gaia