Enrolment Application
Enrolment enquiries at John’s School are welcome at any time and applications may be taken at the beginning of, or during the school year.
How to Apply
Below is the link where you can complete an online Application for Enrolment.
Once you have clicked on the link, you can enter and review the required details and submit the form, for your application to be lodged. Once you start the application, you have up to 30 days to return to the form and submit it, before it expires from the system.
If applying to enrol more than one student, an option will be available to submit another application for each individual student when the form is completed.
The school’s Enrolments Officer will contact you once the application has been submitted.
Should you have any difficulty completing the online Application for Enrolment, please contact the Enrolments Officer on 07 4065 9530 or email secretary.silkwood@cns.catholic.edu.au for assistance.
Application for Enrolment forms are also available as printed documents from the school office or may be emailed upon request.
Application Process
It is necessary for all families applying to enrol children at the school to attend an interview with the principal. It is important for the enrolling child to also attend this interview.
What to bring to the enrolment interview includes:
- Enrolment form
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Immunisation records
- Reports from previous schools attended
- Details of anything out of the ordinary in respect to your child’s health
- Questions you may like to ask
At the interview the principal will also take you on a tour of the school and show you the facilities St John’s has to offer.
An interview does not guarantee enrolment. The school must be able to cater for the needs of the child/children seeking to be enrolled.
Once enrolled, parents are asked to update enrolment/family details regularly so that information remains current. Reminders to update enrolment details will be circulated via the school newsletter.
For more information on Enrolling your Child and the relevant forms, visit the Catholic Education website.
Welcoming to All
Catholic schools are welcoming to all who understand and accept the aims of Catholic schooling and seek to share in their community. Catholic schools are welcoming to people of all races, abilities, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. All educational programs, religious and academic, are developed in consideration of the multicultural nature of our local area and the requirements of students with special learning needs.
Although preference is given to Catholic enrolments, your family does not have to be Catholic to seek enrolment. There is an expectation though, that families are supportive of our Catholic school ethos.
Open Days
Invitations are extended to the community and interested families to attend our various Open Days: St John’s Silkwood Community Kindergarten, Prep, and School.
At this time visitors are invited to inspect our facilities and become familiar with the students’ learning environment. It also enables families to experience the routines and teaching practices at St John’s.